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kat, angel lizzie's momma your message September 8, 2008

hi shelli! i wanted to tell you thank you for stopping by my lizzie's page, it means so much to me that people are thinking of her and us:)  


first, i want to tell you that you have done an amazing job with changing the speed limit, CONGRATS!!!!! you have inspired me to look into doing that as well, my only problem, how do you get started on something like that??     The site where lizzie's accident took place, has been a problem for years and there have been others that have  cherished there as well.  I don't know all the facts, and i don't know how to start figuring it all  out. If you have a minute some day, could you please email me and tell me hot you got started with this?  my email is katallen813@aol.com


2nd i want to tell  you how very very sorry i am for your loss! just reading chance's page, i know how much he was loved and is missed.  I am sure that him and lizzie and all the other angels on this site are having a great time in heaven!  As a parent that is going thru the same emotions as you, there are NO WORDS to describe the hurt we are feeling, but it is nice to know that there are others that can understand EXACTLY what we are feeling.....my heart is with you and your family


3rd, i hope you don't mind, but as i was going thru chance's page, i read a poem that says author unknown and copied it to my lizzie's page.  That poem says EXACTLY everything that we are feeling.  I can't tell you how many nights i lay in bed while everybody else is sleeping and the tears just roll  down my face.  That poem really hit  home and i hope you don't mind that i copied it.


I hope you have a really peaceful day, take it one day , sometimes minute, at a time, our children would want us to go on as hard as it is, they are always there with us.  Please keep in touch



Linda Bourgault You are not alone... August 31, 2008
Shelli, We've both lost someone we love more than life itself. I am truly sorry I never knew Chance as an adult. I remember him as a little boy with a glint in his eyes and in constant motion! When I was at his funeral I could see how many people loved him and how many lives he touched. He has touched mine in a very special way. I hope Bruce and Chance have met one another in Heaven and that they are serving our Lord well. I know they are with us every minute and every day. Yet that doesn't remove the pain of their loss, but with the love and support of our family and friends and our faith in God we can carry on in this life... to make it a better place! There's more to share, but this is all I can do for now. Just know you are loved and are in my prayers Love, Aunt Linda
littleone i feel your pain August 21, 2008

you dont know me, but i just happen to vist your site while i was doing one for my son so you see i know your pain i lost my son june 7 2008 so i know the lonely dieing feeling of loseing a child i never knew such pain. his bd was aug 19 so i can relate, you have my deepest condolance, when you say a prayer say one for me and i will do the same again im so sorry for your lost and i hope we get thur it may god bless you.

Edwina ~ Mum to Troy Mitchell Thinking of you August 3, 2008
My thoughts and prayers are with all who love and miss dear Chance. Shelli your advocating for aggressive driving and seat belt failure is certinally making people aware. Your message has reached Adelaide, Australia. I sat my two niece's down to view the video on Chance's website to help educate them as they are not long off getting their drivers licence. It was a real eye opener for them both an education they hopefully will never forget. They both studied Chance's page in depth for quite sometime. I have emailed chances website address to many of my friends especially to other young drivers I know. Chance was certainly a very handsome young man and I can tell how loved he was by the many memories, candles, condolence's and by his wonderful custom page such a beautiful tribute to honor your precious angel. I hope that our boys have crossed paths in heaven, if by chance they have, I know they will be friends. Thank you for sharing your precious son's life story and for advocating to make a difference in other peoples lives. You certinaly are a very special person. ~ Edwina Mitchell~ Mum to Troy Mitchell.
Kerry McLenahan Keep your memories! July 15, 2008

Thank you for the condolences on my brother's page. It truly meant a lot that somebody took the time to write. I know how hard this is for you, and how fresh the wound is. I keep you all in my prayers, and never forget the memories that Chance gave you. I can see that he was so loved, and if there is any ways of support I can offer, please know that I am here. Though people say to give it time, the pain never really goes away. Take each day one at a time, and know he stands besides you each and every day.

Kerry McLenahan

Aunt Boots Forever Remembered July 11, 2008

He was just a young man and what happened was so senseless she changed all our lives when she took Chance away.  I know it changed me.  I have been apart of your family for 42years.  Chance had so much to live for and to explore.   It wasn’t his time.  And its so sad that the girl behind the wheel that took Chance away from all of us was so reckless to not even think she could have caused so much pain in her rush to get wherever it was she needed to be.  It wasn’t worth it.  My heart and prayers are always with your family. 

Love you,


Debi Collins Another grieving Momma May 20, 2008

Just wanted to stop by and leave a message to the family, friends and loved ones that Chance left behind. In addition, I thank those who have visited our Andrew's memorial site. It is such a tremendous internal feeling to experience this type of bond. Strangers, yet drawn together because of such a tremendous pain and loss.

As I read more about Chance, he reminds me so much of Andrew. Andrew just loved being outdoors and played every sport as a master, yet when he found baseball, it grabbed his heart and spirit. He was an absolute unbelievable ball player. I miss watching him play ball and it's very difficult for me to even focus on a game on TV anymore.  It's just missing such a vital part of what I enjoyed...Andrew's passion for the game...his fiery spirit...his excitement when things went well ...and, guess I won't mention his mood when things went the wrong way!

I hope and pray that you know that this journey is one that will be difficult, but God will lead you throughout the transition.  Allow yourself time to grieve, to cry, to be angry and just to sit and talk about you son. He's still a part of your life and always will be.

Sending hugs and prayers to each of you as you move forward as an incomplete family. The pieces will fit again one day, but for now, you will find the strength to accept the fact that Chance is with our Lord and Savior. We're just not sure how to cope with all of the emotions that are encompassed with this type of loss.

Do take care and always remember that I'm thinking and praying for each of you.

Debi Collins


Janice Jacky's mom May 18, 2008

Shelli, Continue advocating, as it is a part of your healing and your way of seeing that Chance didn't die in vain.  Of course you will miss him forever and think of him constantly.  He is your child!  I don't think that we will EVER get over it.


Chance has only been gone for two months.  Your wound is still so fresh.  Jacky has been gone for seven months this weekend and my wound is still so fresh.  We are going to relive that "last day" for a mighty long time as if it were only yesterday, and may God keep people around you that have hearts of empathy.  We are going to wonder "why our child?"  probably every day until the day that we get to be with them, meantime struggling with our faith to lean not to our own understanding.


It probably took three months into Jacky's death that I didn't break down at times during the night, just letting the tears fall as I tried to seek God's face for understanding.  My husband would try to console me, but felt helpless, I know...because I just wanted to be alone when I cried.  It felt GOOD to cry, to let it out.  I just kept/still do reliving every day of the last week that he was with me, and he was here EVERY day.  He was sincerely a mama's boy.


I was/am SO proud of him, how well he had grown and matured.  I even recall watching him ride off that evening on his motorcycle, thanking God for him and telling God how proud I was of him.  Then about two hours later I got the phone call.  It was as if, as my niece once said, "I would feel tricked,"  since we are so strong in our faith.


But I didn't feel tricked from minute one, held no anger and bitterness towards God or the kid that hit him.  I told God that I wouldn't question him, but have silently questioned him every minute of every day...and I know that He knows that.  But I HAVE had a sincere peace even in that moment of finding out the news, and I know that peace is straight from God because I choose not to have a hint of anger or strife within me toward ANYone!  I'm paranoid that any negative feelings would block my peace, and I desperately need the peace of Christ not to fall into some sort of depression as I've watched so many others do that have lost children.


You know that is what is keeping you from falling into that pit of depression, too, don't you?  The peace of Christ, but not only that....but the GOOD that you are doing advocating against drunk and reckless drivers.  You have a goal.  You are running the good race and refusing to faint.  Pray for anyone that tries to get in your way, anyone that feels cheated of your time.  Forgive them and pray for them.  Anyone that hasn't lost a child needs to wake up.  It CAN happen.  And it's not God's fault.  It's the fault of those that you are determined to fight. 


We are MOTHERS.  Not step'mothers, not step'fathers...not even fathers.  We carried these children for nine months and suffered birthing them, then the years of raising them and being MOTHERS to them....no way that two months or seven months can heal wounds such as we carry.  What is going to heal us is doing what we are felt lead to do to see that our children didn't die in vain.  I think that we will be left with some deep and sensitive scars forever, and our sons will be a memory that is just as fresh as yesterday,  even years down the road (hope so!), but I also think that as strong and determined women...we can allow God to work the good from the bad. 


You have a new call in live>>seeking to SAVE lives.  You WILL win.


This month, finally, the "daze" has sort of semi'settled off me and I feel a little more balanced. (Thank God I have a big family and support system that has been here for me and allowed me to do that).   I have been able to turn my attention back to my home,  back to routine....it's taking time, but I'll get there.


But I will NEVER turn my back on my own new calling, no matter how depressing some of it could get if I let it.  Feed the hungry, care for the sick, be a lifter'up....I'm soooo full of empathy....I need to use it.  It's really healing as it takes the focus off myself and my feelings.


Keep advocating, Shelli!  You are a VERY beautiful woman, look more like Chance's sister than mother.  And....you are strong.  Good qualties.  I know that you do your son proud.


my email john301202000@yahoo.com

Janice Jacky's mom May 17, 2008

Such love that shines from this family.  We know how you feel, the sudden shock and horror of losing one of our most prized possessions, our children.  That is one thing that we at these memorial sites have in common...we know how each other feels.  The lonely moments, the "why?" moments, the what'if moments.  And, too, the good moments that we can laugh or smile on a memory.


We mourn with you, cry with you, smile with you...


We are with you in spirit, just as your son is with you in spirit, same as Christ is with you in spirit.  May the peace of Christ keep you. 


Numbers 6: 24-27 "I will bless you and keep you.  I will make my face to shine upon you...I will turn My face toward you, and give you peace."


God bless all of you. 

sandra matthew's mom a mothers love May 15, 2008

i know you pain is unbearable at times and my heart goes out to you . my son and his friend was killed in a tragic car accident on 11/22/07. my life has been changed forever, as i know yours has. my love  and faith in JESUS CHRIST is the only thing that has kept me going, because i know this is not the end of the story that i will get to see my son again.  your son is a very handsome man i know you are proud of him.  you are going to have alot of dark day, let your family and friends cry, laugh or just talk with you keep them near. i really don't know what else to say but you are in my prayer. know that all of us mothers are in there pulling for you, we are here to help you together we will ge able to survive this. our wounds will heal, but with a hugh scar, a scar that maybe others will not see, but we know is there. let our sons lives continue on with us, lets show them that our love will always shine for them. remember GOD LOVES US AND IS ONLY A PRAYER AWAY.

Karen A. Smith Aunt of Angel and Friend May 15, 2008

To Chance's Famiy,

My heart goes out to you and I know nothing I say will take away the pain. I lost a Nephew and his best friend in Nov/07 due to a tragic car accident. Our lifes are forever changed. If you ever need to talk, I will listen. You can email me at Karen_lopezsmith@yahoo.com. Please know you will in be in my prayer forever. May God Bless you and keep you in his loving arms.

Touched by Angels

..Matthew Wrenn.. Justin Janes..^i^..^i^

Debi Mom to another Angel May 4, 2008

To Shelli and all of the family and friends who have lost Chance...in this life only. I wish I could express to you in words that I know, I truly know what your are experiencing, but at times, the words just don't come. Your loss is still so new and even easy to deny at just the right moment in time. That void that you feel in your hearts and souls, will one day, lessen somewhat, but I've been where you are now, for almost three years, and it's still there...it's just easier to accept as a part of my life as it is today.

Shelli, what a handsome, handsome son you have. He may fly high in Heaven now, as an Angel, with our son, Andrew, but he remains a handsome young man. Please feel free to contact me at any time per email if you need to talk, cry, get angry and just be heard.  I have met so many wonderful people on this site, some of which listened to me when I just wasn't sure how I was going to make it through another day.

Andrew was involved in a tragic auto accident on July 12th, 2005. He was ejected from the car and landed on his head. He remained on life support until July 16th at 11:00AM, when we were told that there was irreversible brain damage and that he had also suffered from numerous strokes. He had requested that his organs be donated, but we never thought that we would be faced with the day that we would be signing those papers.  We did though, and I am thankful for the gift of life that Andrew gave.

Please visit his site at:  http://andrew-collins.last-memories.com

Be Blessed,

Debi Collins  debi.lynne@hotmail.com

Dalton Etherington GOD BLESS March 30, 2008

Lead us through

Our darkest night,

Give us wisdom,

Give us light.


May our blessings

Never cease,

Give us courage,

Give us peace.


Chance you were a great friend to everyone. I just would like to say to your family that you have taken a hard loss,but you must let god take over, and Chance will  live a beautiful, beautiful life. We all will miss him and never forget him.I will keep you in my prayers. GOD

Leslie Crummey Thoughts and Prayers March 28, 2008


I am so very sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with your entire family. May the Lord bless your family now and always.

Amy Johnson Thoughts and Prayers March 28, 2008
Chance you were an incredible guy and I know you cherished your family as much as they cherished you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and them in this sad time. God bless.
amber daughtrey sorry March 27, 2008

i didnt know chance but my cousin did and she talked very highly of him. i just wanted to say to the friends and family i am very sorry for your loss but then again it really was not a loss it was a gain a  gain of  a gardian angel that will watch over you all. i will keep you all in my prayers my god bless you all. just remember that he is watching over you all in good times and in bad.


may god bless you all

amber daughtrey

Nikki Spaugh Nikki, Payton & Ethan March 27, 2008

I will always remember the love in Chance's heart.  All of you are to thank for the love he had to give and did give.  My children, Payton and Ethan, absolutely love and adore him.  We had a special place that Chance and I would take my boys to throw sticks in the creek or just spend quality time together and talk.  My children will forever know of our special place.  He is so very dear to us.  I thank God for having the opportunity to know Chance and his beautiful heart.  I know that there are no words that can be said to make the pain go away but he is eternally blessed and is greatly loved and missed.

papa and mimi A wonderful grandson March 27, 2008

Our memories of Chance will be with us forever. We loved him unconditionaly and he was a great joy to us. We are going to miss him so much. But God has a plan and Chance has gone to a better place. He will never be old. I know he was met     with opended arms of our saviour. Chance, we loved you so much. I'll miss your teasing and your lovable ways. With love and devotion that will never end. MiMi and PaPa

Kathy McMahon Friend March 26, 2008

To Shelli and all the Family,


I am so very sorry for your huge loss.  You and your family are in my prayers and will continue to be.  Life is so uncertain and we can never understand when things like this happen but I know God will comfort and help you all get through this time of just sorrow. Just know Chance is in a better place with no pain or sorrow.


Your Friend


Stacy Miller You will be missed March 26, 2008
I've known you since we were kids. It's hard to believe that something so bad could happen to someone so good. Rest in peace Chance. You will be greatly missed by all.
carters mommy so sad March 26, 2008
thoughts and prayers on your fresh wond. my time, tears and laughter help you threw this. know hes watching you and will hold you again.
Cleve Cullever Good bye March 26, 2008

Good bye Chance.I didn't know you that well.I was introduced to you by your sister,Amber.I'm Harlies PaPa.You seemed like a very likable young man who had everything to look forward too.You were always at the parties for Harlies birthdays.And family get togethers that JoAnn and I were invited too.From what Amber told me about your Grandfather Pickle.He was probably there at Heavens gate waiting for you with open arms and a firm handshake.You will be missed by all who got to know you.God Bless you, and may you rest in His Eternal Peace. Your friend Cleve

Dad Father March 25, 2008

Dear Son,


It seems not long ago I was watching you grow. Now you have grown up and gone away. But, I know we'll be together again someday. It should not be this way. My memories of you will never fade way.


               I Love You Chance



Amber Family March 25, 2008
Chance your are going to be missed greatly by everyone you knew.  Our memories of you are never going to fade away.  Love ya and miss ya dearly.  R.I.P
Teresa Maryea Whitt Chance March 25, 2008

To All of the Family,

My thoughts and prayers are with all of you at this time. I'm very sorry for your loss.  Chance will be very missed as a son, brother, nephew, and uncle.  Sheri is right, when she said that Papa Pickle is waiting for him, with open arms, to guide him on his way.  He will missed in more ways than you will know.  May God be with all of you.


Love and Prayers to you all,


Sheri Preckwinkle Sluder Aunt March 25, 2008

Shelley, Butch, Amber, Papa & Mimi, and all the rest of the family,


I am so so very sorry for your great loss.  I know now that he is in Heaven with Papa Pickle.  I can see daddy standing at the Pearly Gates waiting with arms wide open showing him around and letting him know that all will be ok.  I will miss him greatly.  We never know when our last day will be on this earth.  Sometimes a lot sooner than others.


My prayers are with you all!!


Aunt Sheri





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