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Interview With God

Mom November 25, 2008
Interview of My Angel Chance in Heaven



Is heaven as beautiful as we have been told?


Are the colors more maginificent than we could ever imagine?


Is the music something our ears have never heard?


Does time really stand still?


Is there no more pain in heaven?


Are you happoer than you have ever been?


Are you there with all our loved one's that went before you?


Do you see us and watch over us?


Do you not miss us like we miss you because heaven is all it has been said to be?


Do you no longer miss your earthly life now that you are in heaven and all its magnificance?


Do you anxiously await our arrival?


Do you send us little signs to let us know you are always with us?


Do you feel us in your heart like we feel you in ours?


Do you ask God for favors to help us here?


Have you made new friends?  I have sure made new one's here with other's who's loved one's are in Heaven to.


Do you play baseball in fields of wild flowers?


I have so many questions that I know you cannot answer, but my day will come when I will not need you to answer for me as I will meet you there one day to, and all my questions shall be answered.


But until then..........I wonder~


With all my love,







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