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MiMi & PaPa Happy 33rd birthday July 19, 2015
So many memories. These memories are a life time. Everyday something comes up and we think of you. Talk about
some of your pranks and start laughing. You were our honey boy and will be forever. Happy 33rd birthday. Forever young.
Love and Kisses
Harlie Love December 12, 2013
Kiss Love is a game everyday in life love u
Estel Harlie and Lukes Babysitter sorry June 14, 2013
I am sorry for everything that happened and we hope to keep you in our prayers.
Harlie i Miss you June 13, 2013
As every day goes on my heart breaks even more than yesterday because you are not here with me and i am sorry for every thing that woman did to you,freinds and family . Everyday I feel as if I am worthless and that i wasnt even ment to be in the life i am in now. I feel Like a worthless neise to you and i will reunite with you when the time comes but for now i just have to except what life brings me and go on in life. My Freinds who havent lost a loved on dont know mine and my familys pain.Every day my memories fade and think to my self that i am healing but inside i know that i am not. I think to my self everyday that I am in this world with everyone who loves Me especially you. I  dont like talking about nyou infront of Gran gran because i dont want to make her Pain worse than it already is.     I Love you  and Most Of All MISS YOU

Harlie And Luke We Miss You June 13, 2013

CryUncle chance everyday spent without you makes us feel sad but we know you want us to be the happiest kids on earth and that is hard when the ones you love are no longer with you and that is very sad but as each day goes on i think of you alot and wish you were still with me to this very day and we miss you every day

                                                                                                                            Love you always

                                                                                                                                            Harlie and Luke

Mimi and papa grandparents January 3, 2013
Dear Sweetie,

The holidays were wonderful but there was a void as you were not present. Know you are in a much better
place and had a wonderful time in heaven, which is every day. We cling to that every day. Love eternally,
MiMi and PaPa
Harlie wilcox Uncle i miss YOU August 11, 2012
Uncle i miss youCry
MiMi & PaPa Happy 30th Birthday July 19, 2012
Today would have been your 30th birthday. We use to call you and sing happy birthday to you
and you would ask us to sing it again. Memories flood in when we think of the short time we
had you. Always will love you and know you are singing with the angels.
Happy Vday Little Brother!


Remembering holiday's past.  We try and carry on, but they will nver be the same without you.  The day will come when I am able to spend the holidays with you again in heaven.  Love, Mom

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