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JuST FouND ouT. You'LL Be MiSSeD GReaTLY CHaNCe! iT WaS GReaT KNoWiNG You FoR aLL THoSe YeaRS! You aLWaYS WeRe THe CoMiC ReLieF BeTWeeN Me aND JuSTiN LoL. R.i.P.
You are missed. All my love.
Amber in Magnolia

You will FOREVER be missed!! I know you are looking down on us from heaven now...your time with us was cut to short!

Lindsey Phillips

Chance can't believe you are gone! You will be missed by many. We love you!!

I will miss you honey! I know you are looking down on all of us just smiling I know you are well taken care of now! Miss you always...
Chance you were such a sweet guy. Always there for me when I needed someone. You had so much going for you. I'm glad we got to hang out so much these last few months. I'm definitely gonna miss our saturday nights. Five years was way to short a time for you to be in my life. You will be missed so much. I know your in a better place.
I love you!
Chance, you will definatly be missed by many.  we love you !!!
Bruce Preckwinkle

We will allllll miss you Chance .. Tell papa hello for me

it seems like it was just yesterday that we were playing basketball and tradeing baseball cards , i will miss you i looked at you like a older brother. I will pray for you and your family bye chance.
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